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Overview of the Legalization of Gay Marriage in Australia

In 2017, the Australian Parliament passed legislation to legalize same-sex marriage. This was a major milestone in a long journey that began more than 20 years ago when equal rights activists and their allies first made the case for making marriage equality a reality in Australia. The topic was hotly debated by both sides of politics with the laws passing with majority support from both Houses of Parliament. It marked a turning point for LGBTQI+ Australians who had previously been denied the right to marry due to discriminatory laws and prejudices.

Public Opinion Preceding Legalization

Prior to its legalization, public opinion on same-sex marriage in Australia had shifted significantly over time. In 2004, most people still opposed it – only 36% supported gay marriage compared to 55% that opposed it according to an independent survey conducted at the time. By 2017 however, when the law finally passed, those numbers had almost reversed with 61% of Australians supporting marriage equality versus 38% opposing it according to a Newspoll survey conducted shortly before its passage through Parliament.

Events Leading Up To The Changes

There were many events leading up to this dramatic shift in public opinion as well as a wide range of lobbying efforts by members of civil society pushing for changes at both local and federal levels. Advocacy efforts included protests, rallies, marches and social media campaigns such as AU Marriage Equality’s #FreedomtomyLove campaign which went viral on Facebook with over 6 million views during a single week in May 2011. There were also several parliamentary inquiries into potential reforms including one led by Liberal Senator Dean Smith in 2015 that recommended extending marriage rights to same sex couples.

Role Of The Courts

The courts also played an important role in promoting reform by ruling against discriminatory state and territory laws preventing same-sex couples from marrying (such as ACT's 2014 'Marriage Equality Same Sex Act') which sparked additional debate about national law reforms since states do not have outright jurisdiction over marriage laws operated nationally under Commonwealth rules. Eventually this pressure forced Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's government to initiate legislation proposing amendments which allowed all adults regardless of gender or sexuality, to marry without discrimination provided they met certain criteria outlined within the Marriage Amendment (Opinion Effects) Act 2017.

Aftermath Of Legalization

Since its legalization hundreds of thousands of Australians have taken advantage of freedom afforded them by having access to enter legally recognized marriages regardless or their sexual orientations or gender identities - including lawyers Bernadette Mulvasya announcing her engagement on ABC radio in 2018 , soccer player Craig Foster's announcement about his engagement after nine years dating his partner and last year - newly elected PM Scott Morrison officiating at his sister's wedding . Furthermore various businesses such as Qantas Airlines have released ads depicting same-sex couples sharing their nuptials while other organizations like World Vision are now offering pro-LGBTQI+ education programs promoting acceptance amongst communities – furthering celebrating diversity across Australia whilst embracing acceptance into broader societal values.

Same Sex Anons Begin Marrying Across All States

Following passage through both houses, The federal Liberal/National Coalition government initiated a nationwide postal survey asking citizens whether or not they were in favour of changing marriage laws to allow same-sex couples to marry in Australia. After achieving an overwhelming 'YES' response from Australians, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull amended The Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Act on 8th December 2017 which allowed for same-sex marriages across all Australian states before Christmas that year!

Celebrations Erupt Nationwide as Gay Marriage Is Finalised

On 9 December 2017, hundreds celebrated outside Town Hall Sydney after Governor General Peter Cosgrove gave royal assent to make gay marriage legal across all Australian states and territories - becoming one the 25 countries worldwide who had made history by legalising such unions! Throughout late Decmberr there were mass celebrations around living rooms and offices as LGBT couples began exchanging vows during their long awaited weddings right across australia!

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